Why You Should Hire a Lawyer After a Minor Car Accident in Mesa, AZ

 In AZ, Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents should always be taken seriously, no matter how big or small they may be. While the accident may seem minor at first, you never know how it can affect you later on. You could possibly discover injuries and unexpected issues with your vehicle. This can all be taken care of by working with a car accident lawyer in Mesa, AZ. 

A Claim Was Filed Against You 

Just because the car accident seemed minor to you doesn’t mean the other party felt the same way. It may seem that all is well after exchanging information with the other party, but weeks later, you may start getting calls from an insurance company because a claim was filed against you. If you know you were not at fault and feel that the other party is making false claims, it’s time to get a car accident lawyer involved. 

Discover Hidden Injuries

Sometimes, injuries from a car crash may not show up immediately. They could come to light days after a collision. A car accident lawyer will advise you to see a doctor so you can obtain medical records and documents supporting claims of an injury, even if you did not report injuries right away. 

If You Decide to Pursue Fair Compensation 

Your car can face damage, no matter how big or small the collision. In these instances, you should pursue fair compensation. While it is not necessary, it is highly recommended. No one can afford to drive a vehicle around with minor damages because they can become much more serious with time. Yet again, a car accident lawyer can help you with this.

Evaluating Your Case 

Many documents are used to determine fault and compensation, such as: 

  • Lost wages
  • Pain medication
  • Vehicle repair bills 

You’ll come to find it is very difficult to recover these costs if you do not file a claim with your insurance and seek help from an experienced car accident lawyer. 

Things to Avoid After a Car Accident 

Leaving The Scene Without Reporting It To The Police

If possible, you should contact the police right after a minor accident. As we’ve mentioned, you never know what kind of issues could arise with the accident later on. So having a police report will definitely help in building your case against the other party. 

Failure to Gather Evidence

Failure to report an accident to the police is one example of failure to gather evidence. You can make this right by consulting with a car accident lawyer in Mesa, AZ as soon as possible. A lawyer will work with what they have and build a case for you to strengthen your claim against the other party. 

Admitting Fault 

You need to be extra careful about what you say after your minor car accident. You should never admit fault. In fact, you may not really know who is at fault from your vantage point, especially if you are still trying to piece the events together. Instead, let your lawyer do the talking for you.  

Contact a Car Accident Lawyer for Help 

It’s never too late to start working with a professional after an accident. Our lawyers are here to review your legal rights and guide you through the process of following up on a car accident. Contact us today by calling (602) 892-5000 to learn more. 

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